Thursday, 11 March 2010

Whats in a VLE...

Mobile can be added to the list,

With Stanford University and a lot of other Universities using the MobileEDU (Now Mobile Central) iphone app from Blackboard the world of the student has opened up, now they can easily check module information, assignement information, sports info etc on the go.  The app is even 'fashionable' in the sense it looks up to date.

Now Moodle have stepped into the arena with their own app Moodle4iPhones though this is still in development it would be interesting to see what it can offer students, especially since the project is open source.

I will run a comparison on the two once the moodle one has been released, in the meantime I am going to be looking into the Iphone app from Blackboard and will report back here

Wednesday, 3 March 2010


While I was browsing I came across a demonstration island for weather studies,

This was developed by the earth system research lab of the NOAA.  They have took the simulations of second life to the next level, demonstrating such things has how hurricanes occur, what happens in a tsunami etc.  This is a really good useful way of demonstrating the effects and what it would look like to be in one, though maybe second life graphics itself could be improved, the concept behind it is really good.

I suggest you take a look...